Rean Khoo

Contact Details
M: 021 648 751
E: [email protected]
Rean Khoo
Senior Body Corporate Manager – 高级物管经理
Rean is originally from Singapore and came to Auckland in 2002 to study at The University of Auckland where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology and Mathematics.
In her previous role, she was a Senior Analyst for Vero Insurance and then a full-time member of the Barfoot & Thompson sales team, where her love and passion for property grew.
She has the ability to speak several languages, an excellent work ethic and high levels of integrity. This is her winning recipe.
Rean’s greatest quality though, is her ability to earn – and hold – her clients’ trust.
In her spare time, Rean enjoys travelling, shopping and spending time with her family and friends. She believes strongly in “Work hard, Play hard” and treasures every moment in life.
apm Body Corporate Manager of the Year, 2022 – Finalist
apm Body Corporate Manager of the Year, 2023 – Winner
Rean 来自新加坡,2002 年来到奥克兰在奥克兰大学学习,并获得了心理学和数学专业的学士学位。 在之前的职位中,她曾担任 Vero Insurance 的高级分析师,也曾是个 Barfoot & Thompson 销售团队的全职成员,在那里她对房地产的热爱和热情与日俱增。 她能够讲多种语言,具有出色的职业道德和高度的诚信。这是她的致胜秘诀。 在业余时间,Rean 喜欢旅行探险、以及与家人和朋友共度时光。她坚信“努力工作,努力玩乐”,珍惜生活中的每一刻。
“We are very appreciative of the terrific support and expertise that Rean Khoo gives us. She is very professional and we are lucky to have her.”– Chairperson/Chairman
“Rean always provides great advice and service and is a pleasure to deal with.”– Member
“APM provides all round good service backed by good knowledge .”– Chairperson/Chairman
“For four years apm have served the Brickwork Apartments very well. Communication has been excellent and the staff have been of the highest standard. Administration and meetings have always been to the highest standard. Friendly and on the job at all times. We are very satisfied.”– Gordon Summerville, Chairman
“apm are thoroughly professional and a pleasure to deal with. Having suffered 3 very incompetent BC administrators previously – finally someone who knows what they’re doing. There may be others, but apm is the only one I’ve come across.” – Russcom Limited